Issues per 2023 yr.

Issue No 1 from 2023 yr.

Relations Between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic. September 1996 – September 1999

The article analyzes the relationship between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in 1996–1999. After the signing of the Khasavyurt Agreements, the federal center hoped to peacefully establish relations with the Chechen authorities and promote the economic and political integration of Chechnya into the Russian constitutional space. In the first half of 1997, the relations between the official Moscow and Grozny were quite constructive. However, then the Chechen authorities began to rigidly insist on granting the republic full independence, sabotaged all the agreements reached on economic issues, and indulged religious extremists. As a result, in 1998 the negotiation process reached an impasse. Attempts to resuscitate him at the end of 1998–1999 were unsuccessful, and in the autumn of 1999 an armed conflict began again in Chechnya.

Keywords: Russian Federation; Chechen Republic of Ichkeria; separatism; federalism; Chechen conflict; regional policy; B. N. Yeltsin; A. A. Maskhadov

«The people with whom I had to meet showed a lot of attention to the Soviet scientist»: the visit of Academician B.D.Grekov to Budapest in 1948

This article is devoted to the study of the journey of Academician B.D.Grekov to Hungary in November 1948, where he lectured on Ancient Russia history in the University of Budapest. The circumstances of the invitation of the Soviet scientist, the preparation and organization of his visit are studied; the content of his lectures is analyzed. A great place is given to Grekov’s direct contacts with Hungarian scientific and political figures, the image of the Soviet scientist in the Hungarian press. Grekov’s report on his trip was published in the appendix.

Keywords: B. D. Grekov; Soviet-Hungarian Scientific Relations; University of Budapest; historiography

Academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Miron Semenovich Vovsi (1897–1960) and Boris Evgenievich Votchal (1897–1971), or on the Moral Criteria of the Moscow Therapeutic Elite (2nd Half of the 20th Century)

A virtuoso of medical diagnostics and therapeutic skill, Vovsi was one of the most popular doctors in Moscow, he was also considered the best lecturer in internal medicine. Votchal was an internationally recognized naturalist, as well as an inventor and leading specialist in medical technology, the founder of pulmonology and clinical pharmacology in the USSR. They were brought together by the Great Patriotic War: Major General Vovsi created the military therapeutic service of the Red ( Soviet) Army, Colonel Votchal, as the chief therapist of the Volkhov Front, was one of his assistants. From 1944 Vovsi headed the Department of Clinical and Military Field Therapy of the CIU of Physicians; Votchal was the deputy head of the department. The authors of the article consistently demonstrate the common features and differences between Vovsi and Votchal on the winding path of life and reveal the reasons for the breakup of their long-term relationship.

Keywords: M. S. Vovsi; B. E. Votchal; D. D. Pletnev; therapeutic elite; moral criteria

“How strong and good is your open mechanism…” Clock with Windows for Monitoring the Operation of the Mechanism in the Collection of the Lomonosov Museum MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS

Modern market presents a wide choice of watches and clocks with clear back lid and front cover (“skeletons”). There are quite numerous examples of clocks of the 17−18th centuries with special windows for observing the work of mechanism. Five clocks of this type from the Lomonosov’s museum MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS are under consideration in the article. Exhibiting them with reliable historical information can be successful in modern complicated conditions of competition for visitors’ attention.

Keywords: clock; watch; watching work of mechanism; promotion; status object; museum marketing; history and modernity

The Attitude of the Romanovs to Marriages in the Imperial Family: the End of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th Centuries

The article examines the attitude of members of the Russian Imperial family in the matrimonial policy of the dynasty in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. During this period, the most acute questions arose about morganatic marriages and intra-dynastic unions. The article assesses both the individual perception of the Romanovs processes in the field of matrimonial politics, and the established views on the problems of marriages. The sources of the article are correspondence, diaries and memoirs of representatives of the Imperial family.

Keywords: genealogy; House of Romanov; sources of personal origin matrimonial ties; morganatic marriage

Alupka – Moscow. Postgraduate. 1960–1965

In the center of the narrative are the author's memoirs of participation in the competition of history textbooks for schools of working youth and subsequent postgraduate studies at the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. All events are given in the context of the target orientation and creative activity of the author, his scientific development and personal introspection. In the section “Strokes to portraits”, V.F.Antonov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, supervisor of the applicant, as well as A.V.Shestakov, co-author of an art-historical reader dedicated to the ancient world, are characterized.

Keywords: graduate school; history teaching methodology; textbooks; dissertation; Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute; S.A.Sekirinsky; V.F.Antonov; A.V.Shestakov; V.Messing

Occupation Authorities in the Donbass During the Great Patriotic War (Based on the Materials of the Archival Institutions of the LPR)

In the article, the author touches a number of issues related to the functioning of the occupation authorities in the Donbass during the Great Patriotic War. The article is based on unknown documents to the scientific community, stored in archival institutions of the Lugansk People's Republic, which are introduced into scientific circulation at the first time. The author emphasizes that the Nazi invaders formed a wide structure of the occupation authorities and administration. The author focuses on the fact that the main goal of the occupation policy of the enemy was the systematic destruction of the population and the robbery of the natural and material resources of Donbass.

Keywords: Ukrainian SSR; USSR; Third Reich; Donbass; The Great Patriotic War; occupation, punishers; military commandant's office; collaborators

Nikolai Vasilievich Shelgunov and his Thoughts on Forestry

The article is devoted to the analysis of the biography and journalism of N.V.Shelgunov in the 1850s. His journalistic articles on forestry and forest management are the focus of this research. N.V.Shelgunov's articles and the discussion around them illustrate the ideas of Russian foresters about their professional jurisdiction, about the meaning and status of forest science.

Keywords: history of forest science; forestry; Nikolay Shelgunov; foresters; “Newspaper of forestry and hunting”

Issue No 2 from 2023 yr.

“The Demon of Propaganda”. To the History of M.P.Bestuzhev-Ryumin's Activities in the Southern Decembrists Society

The article is devoted to the analysis of conspiratorial activity of the Decembrist M.P.Bestuzhev-Rjumin. The author describes the moment when the Decembrist joined the conspiracy, his relations with the main members of the Southern Society. In the opinion of A.H.Benckendorff, an investigator in the Decembrists' case, the young revolutionary was “the demon of propaganda”. The author believes that this characterization is correct. The article refers to the negotiations of Bestuzhev-Rumin with the Polish Patriotic Society and the Society of United Slavs.

Keywords: M.P.Bestuzhev-Ryumin; Southern Society; Society of United Slavs; M.M.Spiridov

Dostoevsky and “Les Misérables”: Experience Intercultural Interaction

The article deals with the situation of intercultural interaction, which is defined through the need of world development to gather into a single humanity not by joining in one cultural tradition, but in recognition of the unity of different traditions, which, as it turns out, need each other on the principle of complementarity. This is how two great writers, Victor Hugo with his novel Les Misérables and the great Russian writer F.M. Dostoyevsky, who liked the novel that expressed the national spirit of France, but touched Dostoyevsky with the theme of the "restoration" of human dignity – not only in the strictly legal (formal) plane, but also through the realization that any formal law always needs also justice of moral order.

Keywords: Victor Hugo; novel Les Miserables; novel The Idiot; F.M.Dostoevsky

The Ideological Search for the Times of the Counter-Revolution

The article is devoted to the intellectual search of Russian conservatives in the late 1870s – early 1880s. It is about the understanding the nature of the political crisis at the end of the reign of Alexander II, as well as the prospects for overcoming it. In essence, this refers to the folding system of ideas that formed the intellectual basis of the government policy of the times of Alexander III. Disputes continue in historiography whether the transformations carried out in those years can be interpreted as counter-reforms. The author disputes this point of view. If we keep in mind the goal-setting of the authors of that time, their mood, then it would be more accurate to talk about the ideology of counter-revolution, which was shared by many representatives of bureaucratic spheres.

Keywords: Alexander III; reforms; government; ideology; conservatism

Interaction Between Central Government and Local Administration. According to the Materials of the Korochansky Order Hut. 1643–1701

The study of the documents of the orderly hut of the city of Koroch of the Belgorod zasechnaya line (about 300 certificates and unsubscriptions of the voivodes) allows us to draw a number of conclusions: 1) the Moscow government carried out close cooperation with local rulers; 2) the letters regulated the activity of the voivodes, depriving them of full independence in decision-making; 3) the letters of the second half of the XVII century threaten the voivodes with severe punishments for non-compliance with the instructions of the center; 4) in the second half of the XVII century. service discipline in the field noticeably weakened, which was a consequence of the difficult situation that developed in the ruling circles after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich. However, this was not the basis for the destruction of the organization of the command management system.

Keywords: royal charter; Razryadnyy prikaz; governor; orderly hut; unsubscribe; army people; punishment for abuse of power.

The role and place of salon dance in the education of children and adults in pre-revolutionary Russia

By the middle of the XIX century, the culture of teaching salon (ballroom) dance in Russia had reached a high level of development. There was a real system of dance training, in which the teacher played a key role. His functions included not only the duty to learn dance moves, but also to educate students in the rules of etiquette inherent in secular society. “Dancing” was taught to young children at home, in primary, secondary and higher educational institutions according to programs adopted by the Ministry of Public Education. Young people and adults were trained in fashionable novelties in dance classes opened by professional dancers.

Keywords: teacher; dance class; curriculum; education; morality

People and Destinies: Strokes for Portraits. Simferopol. 1965–1972

The focus of these essays-memoirs are three extraordinary personalities with whom fate brought the author together during his work as a teacher at the Crimean Pedagogical Institute. The second essay deals with the joint creative work of the author of the essay with V.M.Cherny over the theme of the revolutionary, writer and orientalist Oscar Tarkhanov and over historical short stories (the book “With the Stamp of Yalta”). The second essay is dedicated to the poet M.L.Grunin, head of the youth literary association at the Crimean organization of the Writers' Union. The character of the third essay is a talented teacher S.F.Sklyarenko. His letters from Sevastopol testify to the rejection by the disabled and war veteran of the nationalist policies of the Ukrainian ruling elite

Keywords: co-authors V.Cherny and O.Volobuev; “literature of fact”; literary circle; M.Grunin; S.Sklyarenko; pedagogical drawing; veteran and independent Ukraine

“We, the Democracy of the Muslim Peoples of Russia…”: Zahid Shamil

The article is devoted to the social and political activities of one of the North Caucasian leaders of the early twentieth century Z. Shamil, the grandson of Imam Shamil, previously unknown facts from his biography in the conditions of the Russian revolution and civil war of 1917–1920 are given

Keywords: North Caucasus; I. V. Stalin; M. Sultan-Galiev; Z. Shamil; national policy; All-Russian Muslim Council

Public Councils and Labour Relations

The quick development of deliberative democracy led to the formation of numerous state-public institutions. Such institutions are public councils under state authorities and digital participation platforms. Democracy and digital technologies have increasingly begun to push out outdated civil and public institutions and promote the emergence of new ones based on electronic participation (participation). The author believes that the outgoing institutions of power have not been replaced by others. Public councils and electronic participatory platforms have not become engines of social development. The reason for this, according to the author, is due to the fact that these institutions are focused exclusively on the activities of public authorities

Keywords: Deliberative democracy; Information and technologies; public councils; archaization; Internet

Issue No 3 from 2023 yr.

Hungary – 56 in the life of Yuri Andropov and in view of the Jewish question

Anti-communist public activity in Hungary, fueled by the Jewish problem and escalated in the fall of 1956 into a massive uprising marked by bloody events, not only extremely aggravated the situation in this country, but also posed a serious threat to global geopolitical stability. However, this catastrophic and fraught with a global nuclear cataclysm scenario, fortunately, was not realized, and thanks to both the decisive measures taken by the leadership of the USSR and the proactive actions of individual responsible persons, including the Soviet ambassador in Budapest Yuri Andropov.

Keywords: the uprising in Hungary in 1956; Khrushchev; Yuri Andropov; the Jewish question

Anarchist, Diplomat, Archive director: Life and Socio-Political Activities of I.M.Geytsman

The article is devoted to the socio-political activities of Ilya Moiseevich Geitsman (1879–1938), a revolutionary, leader of the anarchist movement in Russia, and a soviet diplomat. Geitsman was one of the organizers of the anarcho-communist movement “khlebovoltsev” on the territory of Belarus and Lithuania in 1905–1907. In 1914–1918, he became the leader of the anarchist movement in Siberia. At the same time, he becomes one of the influential figures of the Centrоsibir’, had an impact on the formation of its political course. In 1921–1923, he became one of the ideologists of the “anarcho-Bolsheviks”, pursued a course for the integration of the anarchist movements of Russia and Europe into the orbit of the influence of the RCP(b).

Keywords: anarchists; anarchist communists; Geitsman Ilya Moiseevich; «The Nikolaev incident»; Central Executive Committee of Siberian Soviets (Tsentrosibir)

Outstanding Agrarian Innovators of Russia in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries. “Every Success in Industry… is a Precious Acquisition for Society”: Efim Stepanovich Karnovich (1793–1855)

The article opens a series of historical and biographical publications dedicated to the agrarian innovators of Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The article comprehensively analyzes the economic views and long-term economic and educational activities of the outstanding landowner-innovator of pre-reform Russia, E.S.Karnovic.

Keywords: pre-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; E.S.Karnovich

Warsaw Governor-General G.A.Skalon and Government Policy in the Kingdom of Poland in the Early 20th Century

The role of the Warsaw Governor-General G.A.Scalon in the development of government policy in the Kingdom of Poland in 1905–1914 is considered. Skalon's projects and proposals on changing the status of the Polish language in teaching, city self-government, the introduction of zemstvo self-government and the creation of the Kholm province are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the declining role of the Governor-General's power in making decisions on the administration of the Kingdom of Poland in the early twentieth century and the growing influence of the Council of Ministers and Ministries.

Keywords: Kingdom of Poland; G.A.Skalon; Warsaw Governor-General; P.A.Stolypin; S.Yu.Witte

Features of the Formation of the Departments of Russian History in the Capital's Universities Under Nicholas I

The article examines the formation of the departments of national history at Moscow and St. Petersburg Universities. Two factors influenced this process: the internal development of the history of Russia as a scientific discipline and the triad “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, nationality” proposed by the Minister of Public Education S. S. Uvarov. The initial stage of the formation of the national history departments was closely connected with the views and activities of two the most famous historians of this era – M. P. Pogodin and N. G. Ustryalov. Important results of their scientific and pedagogical work were the introduction of a large number of sources into science, the identification of significant problems of Russian history and its features, as well as the desire to teach students independent scientific research.

Keywords: S.S.Uvarov; Historical education; The Triad “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality”; Saint Petersburg University; Moscow University; Department of Russian History

Food Policy of Russia in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Problems and Solutions

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current historiographical situation in the context of studying the state food policy of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century. The main directions of studying the problem of food security, hunger, as well as the participation of state authorities and local self-government in the implementation of measures to prevent a food crisis in the Russian post-reform village, which have become widespread in the national historiographic tradition, are investigated. The conclusion is made about the fragmentary nature of the study of the designated problem and the absence of special scientific research devoted to the subject under study.

Keywords: state food policy; contemporary historiography

Diplomat at War: N.V.Charykov and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. People from Notes

The article is devoted to the study of the participation of a career diplomat, an employee of the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Nikolai Valeryevich Charykov, in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878. Based on the archival materials of the RGIA, RGVIA, RGADA and TsGASO, as well as a set of memoirs by N.V.Charykov, the elements of his worldview, the motives for participation in the war, the events and results of the war in the representation and interpretation of N.V.Charykov, the system of interaction between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Military Ministry.

Keywords: Tcharykow N.V.; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire; Russian diplomacy; foreign policy; documents of personal origin; Russo-Turkish War 1877–1878

Issue No 4 from 2023 yr.

Political Development of the Chechen Republic in 2000–2004

The article reviews the political development of the Chechen Republic while A.-Kh. A. Kadyrov was in power. The author analyzes the internal political situation in the republic, the process of forming state authorities, the relationship between the military and civilian authorities in Chechnya. The political process in Chechnya took place in extremely difficult conditions due to the acute socio-economic crisis and the ongoing armed confrontation between the federal center and the separatists. A.-X. Kadyrov pursued a course towards building constructive relations with the federal center. A key event was the referendum in March 2003, which consolidated Chechnya's status as a subject of Russia and the presidential elections in October 2003. The death of the Chechen president in May 2004 was a resonant event, but could not change the vector of political development of the republic.

Keywords: Russian Federation; Chechen Republic; separatism; Chechen conflict; Second Chechen War; state construction; political struggles; V. V. Putin; A. A. Kadyrov, A. A. Maskhadov

“...Every Right-thinking and Truly Decent Person Should Be a Revolutionary”. What Brought Vladimir Ulyanov into the Revolution: Discussions Continue

The article examines the factors that contributed to the transformation of V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) into a revolutionary. It is shown that even well-known sources (first of all, the memories of the leader's relatives) are fraught with certain riddles and omissions. Modern historiography has freed itself from the cliches of the Soviet era with its rather straightforward interpretation of Lenin's path to revolution, but sometimes suffers from arbitrary treatment of facts. The use of methods of psychological analysis, comparison of sources, identification of the political position of their authors, the time in which memories were created, and other methods are aimed at clarifying the conditions and circumstances associated with Vladimir Ulyanov's departure into the revolution.

Keywords: Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin); revolutionary; Alexander Ulyanov; I.N.Ulyanov; A.I.Ulyanova-Elizarova; N.G.Chernyshevsky; Marxism; biography; Leniniana

The Hidden Personal Life of Stalinist Playwright Alexander Afinogenov

The article deals with the relationship between playwright A.N.Afinogenov and his second wife, American ballerina Jenny Marling. During the publication of Afinogenov's diaries and letters (1960, 1977) these relations were kept silent: those fragments that demonstrated the complexity of the situation in the family were removed from the published documents. These difficulties began during the foreign tour of Afinogenov and Marling in Europe, and as a consequence, they became the ground for the playwright's thoughtful attitude to family problems in general and to the psychology of people's behavior in marriage, in particular. The article studies the phenomenon of “personal life” in the life of Stalin's playwright - how this mood was reflected in the writing of the play “Lies”. It was rejected by Stalin personally, yet the basic idea of the play seemed “rich” to him. Psychology and ideology in Afinogenov's life turned out to be incompatible moduses of the biography of “Stalin's playwright”.

Keywords: A.N.Afinogenov; the play “Lies”; Stalin, Jenny Marling; John Bovingdon; Soviet dramaturgy

Suvorov in Finland: Mythology and History

The life, works and, thoughts of great people are mythologized, not only in the mass consciousness, but also in scientific literature. This applies to Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov in full measure. The commander can be considered a model of both ridiculous attacks and slander, and delusions into which his sincere well-wishers and diligent researchers introduce the reader. This is especially true of the motives of his activity, formed by moral attitudes, life experience and reflections. Using the example of Suvorov's short but fruitful stay in Finland in 1791‒1792, we will acquaint the reader with the course of understanding the works and ideas of the commander, which are very different from the mythology about him. The article analyzes the military ideas of Suvorov, formulated by him during a year and a half of service as a builder, then commander of troops in Finland.

Keywords: A.V.Suvorov; military art; strategic defense; Finland; fortresses; canals; Catherine II; G.A.Potemkin; Port of Rochensalm; Saimaa flotilla

All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (1918–1919): Ideology and Evolution of Organizational Structures

The All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (WFAM) is a unique historical phenomenon. This is the only anarchist youth organization of All-Russian scale that operated during the Great Russian Revolution and received a fairly wide response in the regions. Within the framework of the WFAM, an attempt was made to ideologically update Russian anarchism based on the concept of “unified anarchism”. In addition, the leaders of the WFAM attempted an organizational unification of the anarchist movement.

Keywords: anarchists; All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth; Karelin Apollon Andreevich; Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich; the First All-Russian Congress of Anarchist Youth

Nobleman in the Interior of the Soviet Era: Grigory Alexandrovich Pushkin – Grandson of the Poet

The All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (WFAM) is a unique historical phenomenon. This is the only anarchist youth organization of All-Russian scale that operated during the Great Russian Revolution and received a fairly wide response in the regions. Within the framework of the WFAM, an attempt was made to ideologically update Russian anarchism based on the concept of “unified anarchism”. In addition, the leaders of the WFAM attempted an organizational unification of the anarchist movement.

Keywords: anarchists; All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth; Karelin Apollon Andreevich; Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich; the First All-Russian Congress of Anarchist Youth

“Outstanding Agricultural Innovators Russia in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries” Essay 2. “The Real Path to Improvement Our Farm”: Franz Christianovich Mayer (1783–1860)

The article examines the economic views and long-term economic and cultural management activities of the outstanding forester of pre-reform Russia F.H.Mayer. Special attention is paid to the book by F.H.Mayer's “The Experience of rural improvement, or the police” (Moscow, 1835), which has earned wide national fame, however, still has not become the object of a comprehensive analysis by modern scientists.

Keywords: pre-reform Russia; rational forestry; enlightenment; F.H.Mayer

Issue No 5 from 2023 yr.

The U.S. pays lip service to Israel, but in reality it is setting the Middle East on fire, contributing to the formation of a radical Islamist entity that will eventually sweep Israel away. There is a clear strategy in these seemingly contradictory actions: America has declared war on development in order to preserve its hegemony and destroy its geopolitical rivals. Today it needs to barbarize and archaize the global periphery. For Russia to be able to withstand, for it to be able to exist not in the logic of situational response, it must realize what it is facing and what it can counter the civilization of death.

Keywords: USA; Israel; Russia and Ukraine; development; radical Islamism; global periphery; Hamas; postmodernism

The Hidden Personal Life of Stalinist Playwright Alexander Afinogenov

The article deals with the relationship between playwright A.N.Afinogenov and his second wife, American ballerina Jenny Marling. During the publication of Afinogenov's diaries and letters (1960, 1977) these relations were kept silent: those fragments that demonstrated the complexity of the situation in the family were removed from the published documents. These difficulties began during the foreign tour of Afinogenov and Marling in Europe, and as a consequence, they became the ground for the playwright's thoughtful attitude to family problems in general and to the psychology of people's behavior in marriage, in particular. The article studies the phenomenon of “personal life” in the life of Stalin's playwright - how this mood was reflected in the writing of the play “Lies”. It was rejected by Stalin personally, yet the basic idea of the play seemed “rich” to him. Psychology and ideology in Afinogenov's life turned out to be incompatible moduses of the biography of “Stalin's playwright”.

Keywords: A.N.Afinogenov, the play “Lies”, Stalin, Jenny Marling, John Bovingdon, Soviet dramaturgy

Kiranovs: the Fate of Archpriest Dimitri and his Family

The essay tells about the fate of the Yalta archpriest of St. Dimitri (Kiranov), his wife Anna Lvovna and son Lev Dmitrievich. The couple are godparents of the author of the essay, who spent his childhood near the church of St. John Chrysostom and put his memories and impressions into the essay. The participation of Father Dimitri, together with other Crimean clergy, in resisting the onslaught of the Bolshevik government and the Renovationist Church, in defending the constitutional rights of the Russian Orthodox Church is presented. A faithful and worthy companion in his life was Mother Anna. Together they experienced persecution of the church, persecution, slanderous accusations, the exile of Father Dimitri to Kazakhstan, the expulsion of his son to Arkhangelsk. In 1937, Father Dimitri was arrested and shot on January 4, 1938. In 1997, he was canonized as a locally venerated saint, and in 2000, at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was glorified for church-wide veneration as a new martyr.

Keywords: clergy; Yalta churches of 1920–1930; renovationism; anti-religious policy; repression against the Russian Orthodox Church

All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (1918–1919): Ideology and Evolution of Organizational Structures

The All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (WFAM) is a unique historical phenomenon. This is the only anarchist youth organization of All-Russian scale that operated during the Great Russian Revolution and received a fairly wide response in the regions. Within the framework of the WFAM, an attempt was made to ideologically update Russian anarchism based on the concept of “unified anarchism”. In addition, the leaders of the WFAM attempted an organizational unification of the anarchist movement.

Keywords: anarchists; All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth; Karelin Apollon Andreevich; Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich; the First All-Russian Congress of Anarchist Youth

Outstanding Agricultural Innovators of Russia in the 19th – early 20th Centuries. “He always needed activity...”: Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820–1892)

The article examines the socio-cultural views and economic activities of the outstanding Russian poet of the XIX century A.A.Fet. The innovative nature of the economic undertakings of A.A.Fet as a prominent landowner-innovator is noted; the relationship of his long-term work to improve the economy of his own estate with the important conclusions he made concerning the agrarian and socio-cultural evolution of the entire post-reform Russia.

Keywords: post-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; traditional Russian mentality; A.A.Fet

The Latest Trends in the Demographic Development of the Rural Population of the Urals (2000s)

The focus is on the demographic situation in the Ural village: the share of its population is in the total number of rural residents of Russia and in comparison with other regions; common and specific features inherent only to rural residents of the Urals are traced. Conclusion: in the conditions of the economic revival of the 2000s, healthy trends were already operating in the rural population of the Urals (in fertility, natural population growth and the volume of rural migration).

Keywords: federal districts of the Russian Federation, the number and share of rural population, fertility, mortality, natural increase (decrease), migration outflow

How to Serve Foreigners? The authorities' Ideas about the Peoples of the Russian Empire in the Context of Military Service. XIX–early XX Centuries

In the Russian Empire, refusal to officially recognize the national (ethnic) identity of subjects was one of the pillars of national and religious policy (religion was indicated in documents). In the second half of the 19th century, in the context of the transition to all-class conscription, the conscription contingent expanded to include the non-Russian population, which raised the question of its suitability for service in the armed forces. As part of the discussion of this issue, there was actual recognition of the country’s “multinationality” in the works of General Staff officers and in special interdepartmental committees.

Keywords: Russian empire; army; foreigners; military conscription

Will American Stars Go Out in the 21st Century Sky?

The United States of America has been playing a key role in the geopolitical space for more than a dozen years. Today, it is almost impossible to imagine the political, economic and any other global picture without mentioning the US. However, it is common for any state to face difficulties, and today Washington is facing a serious series of the latter, which suggests the prospects for an American future as a world superpower.

Keywords: USA; NATO; EU; American Foreign Policy; Russia; Ukraine; Asia

Issue No 6 from 2023 yr.

The subject of the study is the determination of priority criteria for systematization and classification of multi-party systems in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The genesis and evolution of political parties is examined, the role of the initiative minority in their creation and functioning is emphasized. The conclusion is substantiated that various groups of initiative minorities, comprehending the specific socio-historical situation in the country, develop their own models, ways and means of reorganizing society. On this basis, a system of political parties is formed, which compete with each other in the public political field, seeking support among the masses. The article gives the author's definition of the concept of “political party” and proposes criteria for classifying a party as one or another type.

Keywords: genesis and evolution of political parties; party system; initiative minority; models, ways and means of social reconstruction; typology of parties and its criteria

Cinema as a Tool of “Soft Power” in International Relations: Features of the Soviet, American and Russian Approaches

In this article the authors consider the domestic and foreign experience of using cinema as an instrument of soft power of the state, reveal the peculiarities of the American approach, analyse the Soviet experience, describe the current state of Russian cinema and study a number of causes due to which this soft power resource is not implemented in the most effective way, evaluate the prospects of using cinematography as a way of forming a positive image of the country and its dissemination abroad. The authors conclude that the focus of Russian film producers on commercial gain is the main reason why the artistic value of films is significantly reduced. The authors note the insufficient realisation of the "educational" function of contemporary Russian cinema. The method of analysis is comparative analytical approach and content analysis.

Keywords: soft power; cinematography; film distribution

“Accumulating... our Cultural Wealth”: Alexander Petrovich Mertvago (1856–1918?)

The economic and educational activities and socio-cultural views of the outstanding agrarian innovator of the late XIX – early XX century A.P.Mertvago are considered. Special attention is paid to the rationalization initiatives of A.P.Mertvago (closely related to the activities of his mentor A.N.Engelhardt), as well as his distinctive socio-cultural views related to the history and culture of Russia.

Keywords: post-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; traditional Russian mentality; A.P.Mertvago

Rhetoric of Vladimir Monomakh’s “Teaching”: Historical and Pedagogical Research

The article examines the "Pouchenje" of Vladimir Monomakh through the prism of the individual speech means used. The author analyzes rhetorical and stylistic techniques, as well as later distortions, that allow revealing the motives, goals and objectives of composing the text and highlighting original meanings through a verbal series, allowing to revise some well-established views. Conclusions are drawn about the political orientation of the Monomashichs to maintain the hereditary consolidation of the Kiev throne through the eldest son of the prince, Mstislav Vladimirovich, with the factor of departure from the traditional lestvich order of princly thrones succession

Keywords: Vladimir Monomakh; Pouchenie; Kievan Rus; the order of princely tables’ succession; text data; rhetorical and stylistic techniques

“The Need is Undeniable”: Officials of Special Assignments in the System of Gubernatorial Power of the Russian Empire in the First Half of the 19th Century

The article considers the genesis of the position of officials for special assignments as an integral part of the system of governor power of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century. Based on the analysis of a wide range of sources, the author concluded that the institutional design of the post was a compensation for the extremely broad powers vested in the governor, the lack of clear mechanisms and ways to effectively and efficiently execute them. The institute of governorship in the first half of the 19th century. Functioned in the conditions of a “blurred” legal status of the chief, underformed vertical and horizontal executive power, constant staff shortages in local government institutions.

Keywords: officials on special assignments; governor; Committee of Ministers; governor's office; emperor

Second Edition of the Peasant Reform. 1881

After the Peasant Reform of 1861, the peasant question was not the object of close attention of the government for a long time, and the problems that arose

were resolved by palliative measures. At the turn of the 1870s and 1880s, a number of objective reasons led to a new attempt at a comprehensive solution to the accumulated problems. The government set the task of lowering redemption payments and transferring the remaining temporarily liable (vremennoobiazannye) peasants to compulsory redemption. The case was considered by the State Council in 1881, and within six months two diametrically opposed decisions were made on this issue. The article examines the origins of the dispute that arose in the government and the arguments of the parties, as well as the reasons for reviewing the case and changing the final decision.

Keywords: reform of 1861; the peasant question; State Council; grand duke Konstantin Nikolayevich; Alexander III; А.А.Abaza

“Across the Sea, Socrates is Kind”?

The review is devoted to T.R.Berg’s book «Theatre of the World. The maps that made history », granted in 2017 by Brage prize in Non-fiction nomination and now translated into Russian. Though it is supplied by standard attributions of scientific or popular but wellpercised edition, close reading reveals completive and crude character. The review shows why the presented work should by comprehended with a good deal of skepsis. General conclusion is that specialists usually prefer more serious researchers and for wide readers this book contains too many traps of spread and enforcement of Western ideology, spread and enforcement mistakes and misunderstanding of historical realities.

Keywords: history of science; cartography; geodesy; aero-surveying; territorial claim, space exploration; modern Anglo-American ideology