“For the benefit of our entire vast Fatherland...”: Ivan Nikolayevich Klingen (1851–1922)
The economic and educational activities and scientific views of the outstanding agrarian of the late XIX – early XX century I.N.Klingen are considered. The article notes the significant contribution of I.N.Klingen to the synthesis of advanced agricultural science and agricultural practice in Russia, as well as to the development of agricultural education and domestic agronomy in general.
Keywords: agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; I.N.Klingen“For the Benefit of Our Entire Vast Fatherland...”: Ivan Nikolaevich Klingen (1851–1922)
The economic and educational activities and scientific views of the outstanding agrarianО of the late XIX – early XX century I.N.Klingen are considered. Special attention is paid to his advanced scientific and practical developments to solve key agricultural problems in Russia; the researcher's significant contribution to the development of a number of agricultural sectors and domestic agricultural science is noted. Conclusions are drawn about the specific scientific, practical and social significance of the long-term activities of a number of leading Russian agricultural innovators of the XIX – early XX century.
Keywords: agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; I.N.KlingenOutstanding Agrarian Innovators of Russia in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries. “Every Success in Industry… is a Precious Acquisition for Society”: Efim Stepanovich Karnovich (1793–1855)
The article opens a series of historical and biographical publications dedicated to the agrarian innovators of Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The article comprehensively analyzes the economic views and long-term economic and educational activities of the outstanding landowner-innovator of pre-reform Russia, E.S.Karnovic.
Keywords: pre-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; E.S.Karnovich“Outstanding Agricultural Innovators Russia in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries” Essay 2. “The Real Path to Improvement Our Farm”: Franz Christianovich Mayer (1783–1860)
The article examines the economic views and long-term economic and cultural management activities of the outstanding forester of pre-reform Russia F.H.Mayer. Special attention is paid to the book by F.H.Mayer's “The Experience of rural improvement, or the police” (Moscow, 1835), which has earned wide national fame, however, still has not become the object of a comprehensive analysis by modern scientists.
Keywords: pre-reform Russia; rational forestry; enlightenment; F.H.MayerOutstanding Agricultural Innovators of Russia in the 19th – early 20th Centuries. “He always needed activity...”: Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820–1892)
The article examines the socio-cultural views and economic activities of the outstanding Russian poet of the XIX century A.A.Fet. The innovative nature of the economic undertakings of A.A.Fet as a prominent landowner-innovator is noted; the relationship of his long-term work to improve the economy of his own estate with the important conclusions he made concerning the agrarian and socio-cultural evolution of the entire post-reform Russia.
Keywords: post-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; traditional Russian mentality; A.A.Fet“Accumulating... our Cultural Wealth”: Alexander Petrovich Mertvago (1856–1918?)
The economic and educational activities and socio-cultural views of the outstanding agrarian innovator of the late XIX – early XX century A.P.Mertvago are considered. Special attention is paid to the rationalization initiatives of A.P.Mertvago (closely related to the activities of his mentor A.N.Engelhardt), as well as his distinctive socio-cultural views related to the history and culture of Russia.
Keywords: post-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; traditional Russian mentality; A.P.Mertvago