Requirements for articles
The journal publishes original scientific articles devoted to issues of political science, geopolitics, Russian and foreign history, sociology, economics and cultural studies. Preferment is given to materials on topical problems connected with current social processes and to presentment of scientists’ most recent, lattermost opinions on Russia’s past and present.
The editorial board reserves the right to select manuscripts for publication. The Council of experts reviews manuscripts.
Publication fee is not charged.
Any submitted article must contain:
- Author's personal data: (surname, first name, patronymic; academic degree, academic title, workplace and job position, phone, e-mail address for contacts).
- Title of the article.
- A summary in Russian and English languages (500-900 characters with spaces).
- Classification of article in accordance with the Universal Decimal classification
- Key words in Russian and English languages.
- The body text of the article including possible illustrative material.
- Reference tools (by page bibliography) executed in accordance with the Russian National Standard requirements.
- Size of article including references may vary from 20 thousand to 60 thousand characters (with spaces). Articles of greater size can be published in two or three subsequent numbers of the journal.
- An article should be submitted to the journal in electronic (MS Word) form and in hard copy (1 copy signed by an author).