Issue No 2 from 2024 yr.

The Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic in 1994: on the Eve of Conflict

The article deals with the policy of the Russian Federation towards Chechnya in 1994. The Russian-Chechen negotiations reached an impasse. Moscow categorically refused to recognize the independence of Chechnya, as D.Dudaev insisted. In the spring of 1994, the Kremlin actually refused to consider him the legitimate president of Chechnya. In the summer of 1994, taking advantage of the deepening internal political crisis in Chechnya, the Russian leadership decided to use the policy of the "half-power option". Its essence was the overthrow of Dudaev by the forces of the Chechen opposition, which relied on the help of Russia. In November 1994 this policy has completely failed. The Russian-Chechen negotiations in early December 1994 ended in failure, after which it was decided to conduct a full-scale military operation against Dudayev.

Keywords: Russian Federation; Chechen Republic; separatism; Chechen conflict; political struggle; B.N.Yeltsin; D.M.Dudaev; U.D.Avturkhanov.

“We will justify the Government's trust”: the Participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Soviet Ideological Campaigns in 1945–1953

The article examines the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Soviet ideological campaigns in 1945-1953. The differences between the church’s approach towards the ideological campaigns in domestic and foreign policy are being identified. It is made a conclusion that in domestic dimension the Russian Orthodox Church participates in mobilization campaigns, while in foreign dimension it was involved both in mobilization and repressive campaigns. The author analyzes the distinctions between the Orthodox and the Soviet lines in such issues, as the construction of communism, the concept of the Soviet patriotism, Stalin’s cult of personality, the antagonization of West and the struggle against colonialism.

Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church; Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate; Late Stalinism; Ideological Campaigns; Personality Cult; Cold War.

Alexander Nevsky and the West: Literary Image and Reality

The image of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (1221–1263) was formed and approved in modern society by literature and, in part, by art. Scientific data allow us to judge that this image differs from historical reality in many aspects, and first of all it concerns the prince's confrontation with the West. But do comprehensive scientific studies make it possible to present the true pages of the prince's life and the features of his personality as vividly as it is done in literature and art? The article positively answers this question by recreating the key scenes of Alexander's struggle with the Crusaders in the light of modern scientific knowledge.

Keywords: Alexander Nevsky; Crusades; Ice Battle; Teutonic Order; Friedrich Staufen; Gregory IX; Alexander IV; Innocent IV; Wilhelm Sabinsky; Andreas Velven

“The Central Committee of the Party thinks a lot about it”: Shaping the Foundations of Cultural Policy in Late Stalinism

The publication of a documentary publication devoted to the cultural policy of late Stalinism will summarize the long-term research work led by Professor V.V.Zhuravlev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, on the publication of documents, characterizing the set of key features of the “Stalinist” catching-up modernization. In the collection, “Stalin's economic Legacy: plans and discussions. 1947–1953” The compilers included sources characterizing the search for a theoretical basis for a long-term development strategy of the country. At the next stage – in the collection “Social policy in the USSR in the postwar years. 1947–1953” – the “Stalinist" model was considered in the context of the post-war reconstruction of the country. The task of the new stage was to identify the features of post-war cultural policy through the prism of its conceptual foundations and practical implementation mechanisms.

Keywords: cultural policy; late Stalinism; documentary publication; catching up modernization; agitation; propaganda; ideology; Union of Soviet writers

Decembrists in the Russian Public Consciousness of the 2000s

The article analyzes the perception of the Decembrists in Russia in the 2000s: in media publications, speeches of politicians and public figures. It describes the events and celebrations associated with the Decembrists that took place during this period. It is noted which politicians and public figures associated themselves with the Decembrists and in connection with what such associations were made. It is concluded that by the early 2010s the preconditions for the formation of a new ideology had already appeared, according to which the notion of “Decembrist” acquires a negative coloring.

Keywords: Decembrist;, Russia in the 2000s; ideology; opposition; authorities

“For the benefit of our entire vast Fatherland...”: Ivan Nikolayevich Klingen (1851–1922)

The economic and educational activities and scientific views of the outstanding agrarian of the late XIX – early XX century I.N.Klingen are considered. The article notes the significant contribution of I.N.Klingen to the synthesis of advanced agricultural science and agricultural practice in Russia, as well as to the development of agricultural education and domestic agronomy in general.

Keywords: agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; I.N.Klingen

Ideological Aspect of the Construction of Communal Houses in the 1920s in the USSR

The article is devoted to the ideological reasons for the creation of projects and the construction of communal houses in the 1920s in a Soviet country. The article describes how the predecessors of scientific communism – Campanella, Thomas More, Fourier and others – imagined the city-commune. The article analyzes the architectural and planning ideas of the first years of Soviet power, the architects' rationale for the advantages of collective organization of settlement and life, and explores attempts to create new types of housing and public institutions, taking into account the specific historical conditions and tasks facing the country.

Keywords: collectivization of life; socialization of the household; socialization of cultural and household services and upbringing of children; house-commune; restructuring of everyday life

The Role of S. S. Uvarov in the Establishment and Work of the Archaeographic Commission

The role of S. S. Uvarov, the president of the Academy of Sciences, and later the Minister of Public Education, in the process of creating and at the initial stage of the work of the St. Petersburg Archeographic Commission is characterized in this article. The concept of “Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality” by Sergey Semenovich Uvarov had a significant impact on the structure of the commission and its activities. In many ways, the Archaeographic expedition of P. M. Stroev and the publication of the results of its work, and then the regular Commission for the publication of Russian sources, are the result of Uvarov's patronage. On the one hand, Uvarov directly interfered in the organizational and scientific activities of the Commission. On the other hand, this intervention guaranteed the constant, systematic and regulated publication of sources on Russian history.

Keywords: S.S.Uvarov; P.M.Stroev; N.G.Ustryalov; Archeographic Commission; triad “Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality”

Development of Human Rights Media Journalism of Perestroika Times (on the Example of “Glasnost” magazine)

This article is about human rights journalism of the Perestroika period is given on the example of the samizdat magazine Glasnost by S.I.Grigoryants, published in 1987–1989. The publication and the attitude of the Soviet government towards it are compared with the underground collections of human rights defenders that were published in the 1960s – 1980s and were actively persecuted by the KGB. The purpose of the article is to trace whether the beginning of perestroika and the announcement of glasnost influenced the human rights journalism of the last years of Soviet rule.

Keywords: “Glasnost”; S.I.Grigoryants; Soviet human rights defenders; samizdat; Perestroika press

Jazz journalism on the Internet

This article examines jazz journalism in the modern media space, its main sources, development and forms. The main objective of the work is to identify the characteristic features of modern jazz journalism and determine its specificity.

Keywords: jazz; jazz journalism; media; music journalism