Kornadut Karina Dmitrievna
– Postgraduate student of the Department of Literary Criticism, Russian State University for the Humanities, kkornadut-97@yandex.ru
Development of Human Rights Media Journalism of Perestroika Times (on the Example of “Glasnost” magazine)
This article is about human rights journalism of the Perestroika period is given on the example of the samizdat magazine Glasnost by S.I.Grigoryants, published in 1987–1989. The publication and the attitude of the Soviet government towards it are compared with the underground collections of human rights defenders that were published in the 1960s – 1980s and were actively persecuted by the KGB. The purpose of the article is to trace whether the beginning of perestroika and the announcement of glasnost influenced the human rights journalism of the last years of Soviet rule.
Keywords: “Glasnost”; S.I.Grigoryants; Soviet human rights defenders; samizdat; Perestroika press