Issue No 2 from 2014 yr.

The People’s Will and the Meeting Democracy

The interview is dedicated to the current events in Ukraine. De-Banderization of Ukraine is inevitable. It will occur much along the lines of denazification, and Western assistant will not help. These assistants initially provided help even to Hitler. The end of that story is well known. Therefore, right now the main thing is to see the truth, shake oneself free from the spell of the Ukrainian nazi propaganda. It is necessary to understand fully the goodness, totality and happiness of the choice made by the Crimean people.
Keywords: de-Banderization; the Crimea; the meeting democracy; Nazism.

The Dark Ages of the Caucasus History

The author is well aware that by trying to immerse the reader into the murky ages of the Caucasus history he embarks upon a risky travel. The overwhelming part of academic knowledge on that subject-matter is doomed to remain either plausible hypothesis or dubious theories. To verify them with absolute correctness seems next to impossible. Nevertheless we are not going to give up hope to have the picture of the past more vivid and trustworthy. Our cautious optimism is based on the belief that historical sources, for all its impressive quantity, have not yet parted with many of its secrets.
Keywords: history of the North Caucasus from the ancient times up to the mid-sixth century AD; the great transmigration of people; the North-Caucasus tribes and Classical Antiquity; the rise and fall of Eurasian tribal “empires”.

World War I in Human Dimension: Power and Society

For Russia World War I turned out to be not just a precursor but also a powerful detonator of fateful events of 1917. The tenth wave of revolutionary impulse generated by hardships of those ragged years did not stop upon destruction of the autocracy’s fundamentals that had seemed hard and fast just a few years ago. The impulse went much further and smashed down age-old fundamentals, traditional order of the state and popular life. And resulted in another war, even more fearful and bloody civil war. A century after beginning of these earthshaking events that shattered the whole country and the whole world we are bound to revisit them and to understand them in the perspective of the present-day problems and challenges. To do that we have, in the first place, call from not-being, to revive, hear and perceive adequately voices of people who had endured hardships and consequences of that war now commonly called «the forgotten war».
Keywords: World War I; civil war; power; society; anthropological approach; lessons of history.

Abdication of Nicholas II and Mikhail Aleksandrovich: Legal Validity of the Romanovs’ Last Manifests (the end)

The article is devoted to the questions of compliance of the act of the Emperor Nicholas II dated the 2nd March 1917 about abdication and the act of the Grand duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich dated the 3rd March 1917 about refusal from the Throne to the norms of State law of the Russian Empire. The analysis of the theory and practice of rules of a succession in Russia since the time of Ivan IV to Nicholas II is presented. A particular attention is paid to the rules of succession established by Peter I and Paul I. A question of status of the Russian Emperor according to the Fundamental laws of the Russian Empire is partially investigated. A detailed analysis of the acts of Nicholas II and Mikhail regarding their compliance to the imperial legislation is given; an attempt to show a role of these documents in discredit of ideology of the Russian monarchy is done.
Keywords: Russia; Nicholas II; abdication of the throne; monarchy; state law of the Russian Empire.

Nomadic and Meshochnicheskaya Russia : the Survival of the Russian Population in the Catastrophe of Civil War

During the Civil War and the Russian Time of Troubles there was a revival of nomadic consciousness inherent in Russian ethnicity. In stable times it was receding into the background and gradually becoming obsolete. However, it showed its true worth in an extreme situation. That very circumstance played a crucial role in the survival of the Russian population. A significant part of population moved on and became nomads. In this regard, the author relates this large-scale phenomenon to Russian bag people, or meshochnics. Millions of them were essentially nomads. The Soviet state declared war on them, generally for ideological reasons. The bag people movement became illegal. Having started the fight against the state, they met and overcame countless difficulties on their nomadic way. Ultimately, Russian nomads and bag people forced Bolsheviks to compromise.
Keywords: nomadic Russia; bag people; types of bag people; the Civil War; railroad; barrier troops; requisitions; Narkomprod; markets; Sukharevka; political moods.

The Dymovka Affair: an Episode of the Soviet Regional Press History

The authors relate details of so called Dymovka affair, a large-scale press campaign connected with slaughter of G.I.Malinovsky, the agrarian correspondent of the «Red Nikolaev» newspaper. The authors analyze press materials, art works and archive materials pertaining to the event as well as to the trial of «murders of the agrarian correspondents». The authors come to the conclusion that the real reason of the press campaign was the struggle for power between I.V.Stalin who was supported by F.E.Dzierzynsky and L.D.Trotsky. The article demonstrates how sinuosity of this struggle was reflected in press publications, first of all, in the «Red Nikolaev» newspaper.
Keywords: the Soviet press; political struggle; press campaign; the “Red Nikolaev” newspaper; G.I.Malinovsky; Dymovka; I.V.Stalin; L.D.Trotsky; F.D.Dzierzynsky.