Issue No 4 from 2023 yr.

Political Development of the Chechen Republic in 2000–2004

The article reviews the political development of the Chechen Republic while A.-Kh. A. Kadyrov was in power. The author analyzes the internal political situation in the republic, the process of forming state authorities, the relationship between the military and civilian authorities in Chechnya. The political process in Chechnya took place in extremely difficult conditions due to the acute socio-economic crisis and the ongoing armed confrontation between the federal center and the separatists. A.-X. Kadyrov pursued a course towards building constructive relations with the federal center. A key event was the referendum in March 2003, which consolidated Chechnya's status as a subject of Russia and the presidential elections in October 2003. The death of the Chechen president in May 2004 was a resonant event, but could not change the vector of political development of the republic.

Keywords: Russian Federation; Chechen Republic; separatism; Chechen conflict; Second Chechen War; state construction; political struggles; V. V. Putin; A. A. Kadyrov, A. A. Maskhadov

“...Every Right-thinking and Truly Decent Person Should Be a Revolutionary”. What Brought Vladimir Ulyanov into the Revolution: Discussions Continue

The article examines the factors that contributed to the transformation of V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) into a revolutionary. It is shown that even well-known sources (first of all, the memories of the leader's relatives) are fraught with certain riddles and omissions. Modern historiography has freed itself from the cliches of the Soviet era with its rather straightforward interpretation of Lenin's path to revolution, but sometimes suffers from arbitrary treatment of facts. The use of methods of psychological analysis, comparison of sources, identification of the political position of their authors, the time in which memories were created, and other methods are aimed at clarifying the conditions and circumstances associated with Vladimir Ulyanov's departure into the revolution.

Keywords: Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin); revolutionary; Alexander Ulyanov; I.N.Ulyanov; A.I.Ulyanova-Elizarova; N.G.Chernyshevsky; Marxism; biography; Leniniana

The Hidden Personal Life of Stalinist Playwright Alexander Afinogenov

The article deals with the relationship between playwright A.N.Afinogenov and his second wife, American ballerina Jenny Marling. During the publication of Afinogenov's diaries and letters (1960, 1977) these relations were kept silent: those fragments that demonstrated the complexity of the situation in the family were removed from the published documents. These difficulties began during the foreign tour of Afinogenov and Marling in Europe, and as a consequence, they became the ground for the playwright's thoughtful attitude to family problems in general and to the psychology of people's behavior in marriage, in particular. The article studies the phenomenon of “personal life” in the life of Stalin's playwright - how this mood was reflected in the writing of the play “Lies”. It was rejected by Stalin personally, yet the basic idea of the play seemed “rich” to him. Psychology and ideology in Afinogenov's life turned out to be incompatible moduses of the biography of “Stalin's playwright”.

Keywords: A.N.Afinogenov; the play “Lies”; Stalin, Jenny Marling; John Bovingdon; Soviet dramaturgy

Suvorov in Finland: Mythology and History

The life, works and, thoughts of great people are mythologized, not only in the mass consciousness, but also in scientific literature. This applies to Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov in full measure. The commander can be considered a model of both ridiculous attacks and slander, and delusions into which his sincere well-wishers and diligent researchers introduce the reader. This is especially true of the motives of his activity, formed by moral attitudes, life experience and reflections. Using the example of Suvorov's short but fruitful stay in Finland in 1791‒1792, we will acquaint the reader with the course of understanding the works and ideas of the commander, which are very different from the mythology about him. The article analyzes the military ideas of Suvorov, formulated by him during a year and a half of service as a builder, then commander of troops in Finland.

Keywords: A.V.Suvorov; military art; strategic defense; Finland; fortresses; canals; Catherine II; G.A.Potemkin; Port of Rochensalm; Saimaa flotilla

All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (1918–1919): Ideology and Evolution of Organizational Structures

The All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (WFAM) is a unique historical phenomenon. This is the only anarchist youth organization of All-Russian scale that operated during the Great Russian Revolution and received a fairly wide response in the regions. Within the framework of the WFAM, an attempt was made to ideologically update Russian anarchism based on the concept of “unified anarchism”. In addition, the leaders of the WFAM attempted an organizational unification of the anarchist movement.

Keywords: anarchists; All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth; Karelin Apollon Andreevich; Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich; the First All-Russian Congress of Anarchist Youth

Nobleman in the Interior of the Soviet Era: Grigory Alexandrovich Pushkin – Grandson of the Poet

The All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth (WFAM) is a unique historical phenomenon. This is the only anarchist youth organization of All-Russian scale that operated during the Great Russian Revolution and received a fairly wide response in the regions. Within the framework of the WFAM, an attempt was made to ideologically update Russian anarchism based on the concept of “unified anarchism”. In addition, the leaders of the WFAM attempted an organizational unification of the anarchist movement.

Keywords: anarchists; All-Russian Federation of Anarchist Youth; Karelin Apollon Andreevich; Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich; the First All-Russian Congress of Anarchist Youth

“Outstanding Agricultural Innovators Russia in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries” Essay 2. “The Real Path to Improvement Our Farm”: Franz Christianovich Mayer (1783–1860)

The article examines the economic views and long-term economic and cultural management activities of the outstanding forester of pre-reform Russia F.H.Mayer. Special attention is paid to the book by F.H.Mayer's “The Experience of rural improvement, or the police” (Moscow, 1835), which has earned wide national fame, however, still has not become the object of a comprehensive analysis by modern scientists.

Keywords: pre-reform Russia; rational forestry; enlightenment; F.H.Mayer