Issue No 6 from 2023 yr.

On the Typology of Political Parties

The subject of the study is the determination of priority criteria for systematization and classification of multi-party systems in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The genesis and evolution of political parties is examined, the role of the initiative minority in their creation and functioning is emphasized. The conclusion is substantiated that various groups of initiative minorities, comprehending the specific socio-historical situation in the country, develop their own models, ways and means of reorganizing society. On this basis, a system of political parties is formed, which compete with each other in the public political field, seeking support among the masses. The article gives the author's definition of the concept of “political party” and proposes criteria for classifying a party as one or another type.

Keywords: genesis and evolution of political parties; party system; initiative minority; models, ways and means of social reconstruction; typology of parties and its criteria

Cinema as a Tool of “Soft Power” in International Relations: Features of the Soviet, American and Russian Approaches

In this article the authors consider the domestic and foreign experience of using cinema as an instrument of soft power of the state, reveal the peculiarities of the American approach, analyse the Soviet experience, describe the current state of Russian cinema and study a number of causes due to which this soft power resource is not implemented in the most effective way, evaluate the prospects of using cinematography as a way of forming a positive image of the country and its dissemination abroad. The authors conclude that the focus of Russian film producers on commercial gain is the main reason why the artistic value of films is significantly reduced. The authors note the insufficient realisation of the "educational" function of contemporary Russian cinema. The method of analysis is comparative analytical approach and content analysis.

Keywords: soft power; cinematography; film distribution

“Accumulating... our Cultural Wealth”: Alexander Petrovich Mertvago (1856–1918?)

The economic and educational activities and socio-cultural views of the outstanding agrarian innovator of the late XIX – early XX century A.P.Mertvago are considered. Special attention is paid to the rationalization initiatives of A.P.Mertvago (closely related to the activities of his mentor A.N.Engelhardt), as well as his distinctive socio-cultural views related to the history and culture of Russia.

Keywords: post-reform Russia; agrarian rationalization; enlightenment; traditional Russian mentality; A.P.Mertvago

Rhetoric of Vladimir Monomakh’s “Teaching”: Historical and Pedagogical Research

The article examines the "Pouchenje" of Vladimir Monomakh through the prism of the individual speech means used. The author analyzes rhetorical and stylistic techniques, as well as later distortions, that allow revealing the motives, goals and objectives of composing the text and highlighting original meanings through a verbal series, allowing to revise some well-established views. Conclusions are drawn about the political orientation of the Monomashichs to maintain the hereditary consolidation of the Kiev throne through the eldest son of the prince, Mstislav Vladimirovich, with the factor of departure from the traditional lestvich order of princly thrones succession

Keywords: Vladimir Monomakh; Pouchenie; Kievan Rus; the order of princely tables’ succession; text data; rhetorical and stylistic techniques

“The Need is Undeniable”: Officials of Special Assignments in the System of Gubernatorial Power of the Russian Empire in the First Half of the 19th Century

The article considers the genesis of the position of officials for special assignments as an integral part of the system of governor power of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century. Based on the analysis of a wide range of sources, the author concluded that the institutional design of the post was a compensation for the extremely broad powers vested in the governor, the lack of clear mechanisms and ways to effectively and efficiently execute them. The institute of governorship in the first half of the 19th century. Functioned in the conditions of a “blurred” legal status of the chief, underformed vertical and horizontal executive power, constant staff shortages in local government institutions.

Keywords: officials on special assignments; governor; Committee of Ministers; governor's office; emperor

Second Edition of the Peasant Reform. 1881

After the Peasant Reform of 1861, the peasant question was not the object of close attention of the government for a long time, and the problems that arose

were resolved by palliative measures. At the turn of the 1870s and 1880s, a number of objective reasons led to a new attempt at a comprehensive solution to the accumulated problems. The government set the task of lowering redemption payments and transferring the remaining temporarily liable (vremennoobiazannye) peasants to compulsory redemption. The case was considered by the State Council in 1881, and within six months two diametrically opposed decisions were made on this issue. The article examines the origins of the dispute that arose in the government and the arguments of the parties, as well as the reasons for reviewing the case and changing the final decision.

Keywords: reform of 1861; the peasant question; State Council; grand duke Konstantin Nikolayevich; Alexander III; А.А.Abaza

“Across the Sea, Socrates is Kind”?

The review is devoted to T.R.Berg’s book «Theatre of the World. The maps that made history », granted in 2017 by Brage prize in Non-fiction nomination and now translated into Russian. Though it is supplied by standard attributions of scientific or popular but wellpercised edition, close reading reveals completive and crude character. The review shows why the presented work should by comprehended with a good deal of skepsis. General conclusion is that specialists usually prefer more serious researchers and for wide readers this book contains too many traps of spread and enforcement of Western ideology, spread and enforcement mistakes and misunderstanding of historical realities.

Keywords: history of science; cartography; geodesy; aero-surveying; territorial claim, space exploration; modern Anglo-American ideology