Issue No 1 from 2023 yr.

Relations Between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic. September 1996 – September 1999

The article analyzes the relationship between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in 1996–1999. After the signing of the Khasavyurt Agreements, the federal center hoped to peacefully establish relations with the Chechen authorities and promote the economic and political integration of Chechnya into the Russian constitutional space. In the first half of 1997, the relations between the official Moscow and Grozny were quite constructive. However, then the Chechen authorities began to rigidly insist on granting the republic full independence, sabotaged all the agreements reached on economic issues, and indulged religious extremists. As a result, in 1998 the negotiation process reached an impasse. Attempts to resuscitate him at the end of 1998–1999 were unsuccessful, and in the autumn of 1999 an armed conflict began again in Chechnya.

Keywords: Russian Federation; Chechen Republic of Ichkeria; separatism; federalism; Chechen conflict; regional policy; B. N. Yeltsin; A. A. Maskhadov

«The people with whom I had to meet showed a lot of attention to the Soviet scientist»: the visit of Academician B.D.Grekov to Budapest in 1948

This article is devoted to the study of the journey of Academician B.D.Grekov to Hungary in November 1948, where he lectured on Ancient Russia history in the University of Budapest. The circumstances of the invitation of the Soviet scientist, the preparation and organization of his visit are studied; the content of his lectures is analyzed. A great place is given to Grekov’s direct contacts with Hungarian scientific and political figures, the image of the Soviet scientist in the Hungarian press. Grekov’s report on his trip was published in the appendix.

Keywords: B. D. Grekov; Soviet-Hungarian Scientific Relations; University of Budapest; historiography

Academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Miron Semenovich Vovsi (1897–1960) and Boris Evgenievich Votchal (1897–1971), or on the Moral Criteria of the Moscow Therapeutic Elite (2nd Half of the 20th Century)

A virtuoso of medical diagnostics and therapeutic skill, Vovsi was one of the most popular doctors in Moscow, he was also considered the best lecturer in internal medicine. Votchal was an internationally recognized naturalist, as well as an inventor and leading specialist in medical technology, the founder of pulmonology and clinical pharmacology in the USSR. They were brought together by the Great Patriotic War: Major General Vovsi created the military therapeutic service of the Red ( Soviet) Army, Colonel Votchal, as the chief therapist of the Volkhov Front, was one of his assistants. From 1944 Vovsi headed the Department of Clinical and Military Field Therapy of the CIU of Physicians; Votchal was the deputy head of the department. The authors of the article consistently demonstrate the common features and differences between Vovsi and Votchal on the winding path of life and reveal the reasons for the breakup of their long-term relationship.

Keywords: M. S. Vovsi; B. E. Votchal; D. D. Pletnev; therapeutic elite; moral criteria

“How strong and good is your open mechanism…” Clock with Windows for Monitoring the Operation of the Mechanism in the Collection of the Lomonosov Museum MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS

Modern market presents a wide choice of watches and clocks with clear back lid and front cover (“skeletons”). There are quite numerous examples of clocks of the 17−18th centuries with special windows for observing the work of mechanism. Five clocks of this type from the Lomonosov’s museum MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS are under consideration in the article. Exhibiting them with reliable historical information can be successful in modern complicated conditions of competition for visitors’ attention.

Keywords: clock; watch; watching work of mechanism; promotion; status object; museum marketing; history and modernity

The Attitude of the Romanovs to Marriages in the Imperial Family: the End of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th Centuries

The article examines the attitude of members of the Russian Imperial family in the matrimonial policy of the dynasty in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. During this period, the most acute questions arose about morganatic marriages and intra-dynastic unions. The article assesses both the individual perception of the Romanovs processes in the field of matrimonial politics, and the established views on the problems of marriages. The sources of the article are correspondence, diaries and memoirs of representatives of the Imperial family.

Keywords: genealogy; House of Romanov; sources of personal origin matrimonial ties; morganatic marriage

Alupka – Moscow. Postgraduate. 1960–1965

In the center of the narrative are the author's memoirs of participation in the competition of history textbooks for schools of working youth and subsequent postgraduate studies at the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. All events are given in the context of the target orientation and creative activity of the author, his scientific development and personal introspection. In the section “Strokes to portraits”, V.F.Antonov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, supervisor of the applicant, as well as A.V.Shestakov, co-author of an art-historical reader dedicated to the ancient world, are characterized.

Keywords: graduate school; history teaching methodology; textbooks; dissertation; Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute; S.A.Sekirinsky; V.F.Antonov; A.V.Shestakov; V.Messing

Occupation Authorities in the Donbass During the Great Patriotic War (Based on the Materials of the Archival Institutions of the LPR)

In the article, the author touches a number of issues related to the functioning of the occupation authorities in the Donbass during the Great Patriotic War. The article is based on unknown documents to the scientific community, stored in archival institutions of the Lugansk People's Republic, which are introduced into scientific circulation at the first time. The author emphasizes that the Nazi invaders formed a wide structure of the occupation authorities and administration. The author focuses on the fact that the main goal of the occupation policy of the enemy was the systematic destruction of the population and the robbery of the natural and material resources of Donbass.

Keywords: Ukrainian SSR; USSR; Third Reich; Donbass; The Great Patriotic War; occupation, punishers; military commandant's office; collaborators

Nikolai Vasilievich Shelgunov and his Thoughts on Forestry

The article is devoted to the analysis of the biography and journalism of N.V.Shelgunov in the 1850s. His journalistic articles on forestry and forest management are the focus of this research. N.V.Shelgunov's articles and the discussion around them illustrate the ideas of Russian foresters about their professional jurisdiction, about the meaning and status of forest science.

Keywords: history of forest science; forestry; Nikolay Shelgunov; foresters; “Newspaper of forestry and hunting”