Issue No 5 from 2015 yr.

Miracle of Survival and New Threats

The metaphysical fall and subsequent cultural, geopolitical and other disasters caused by that fall have not brought about to the final lethal result they had to bring about. It means that if the process of conflict between Russia and the West has really acquired a long process character and become really fundamental one belonging to issues of the country’s life or death then the subject of the whole system reformatting comes to the fore. The existing system is inadequate to the new reality and new challenges by now. A new plan is required. If this discussion will not be started right now then Russia will have no future. Not because it is necessary to catch up what was missed out but because it is necessary to consider in due time those strategic threats that are not in the center of attention so far but seem to be of great gravity. These dangers may suddenly make everything else dull and senseless.
Keywords: the metaphysica; retrogression; Russia; the modern European humankind; structure; sense and meaning; state.

«We Need Orders and Distinctions…». Role of Awards in the Soviet Identity Formation

The article deals with role of awards in formation of the Stalin’s period «new man» formation. The article is based on authentic personal documents of the second half of the 1930s that are introduced into scientific turnover for the first time. Giving an answer to the question on causes of high ascendant social mobility of the Soviet society the author comes to the conclusion that the positive identity of «homo heroicus» which, to a large extent, was being formed due to belonging to the «award bearers» community. The author pays the particular attention to transition of the Soviet award system from awards granted to the elite to mass awards.
Keywords: the USSR; awards; elites; the Soviet identity; social mobility.

A Dangerous Profession (to be continued)

My report at the «Hearing» of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee on «Jackson Amendment» on October 8th 1974 produced an «Open Letter by Lidya Chukovskaya and Lev Kopelev to Zhores Medvedev» which was broadcasted by foreign radios. Both authors criticised me for negative attitude on awarding The Nobel Peace Prize to Andrey Sakharov. This criticism was based on false information. In November 1974 I was appointed as Senior Reserch Scientist of the National Institute of Medical Research and was able to resume my study of biochemistry of ageing. In 1974 Vladimir Maximov and Solzhenitsyn founded a new literary-political journal «KONTINENT». Attention of western press in December of 1974 was also attracted by the ceremony of the presentation of Nobel Prize for Literature to Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Keywords: Lev Kopelev; Lidya Chukovskaya; Nobel Peace Prize; Kontinent; Alexander Solzhenitsyn; Andrei Sakharov.

The Ancient Russian Notions of the Other World

The author examines the Christian and pagan ideas about the otherworld and their influence on the literature of Ancient Russia. Common understanding of the problem did not exist. Disputes about heaven were based on different interpretation of another world. The Antioch concept and Neoplatonic concept had the greatest influence on Russia. Apocryphal images of heaven and hell were widespread in the Old Russian literature. They had strong influence on the disputes about heaven. Russian ideas the other world were formed on the basis of Orthodox, apocryphal and pagans ideas about post-mortem existence.
Keywords: Ancient Russia; another world; heaven; hell; life after death; Orthodoxy; Neoplatonism; the Apocrypha; the influence of paganism.

«Insane for Christ» and «Wordly Holiness» in Ancient Rus. The Classical French Historiography Text on the Russian «Foolishness for Christ»

Bibliography in French devoted to the Russian religious piety, to foolishness for Christ in particular is in many respects based on works by the Russian Orthodox community. The life and creative development of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel (1907−2005), the French researcher who adopted the Russian Orthodoxy and studied history of the Orthodox church and the Russian theology are the most vivid example of the thesis. Her study of the Russian spirituality based on G. Fedotov's conception, has not lost its relevancy for French readers up to now.
Keywords: the French language bibliography; fools for Christ; holiness; E.Behr-Sigel; G.Fedotov.

Thoughts Caused by a Letter. Once More about Intelligentzia on the Eve of February, 1917

In years prior to the fall of the Russian autocracy intelligentsia circles discussed urgent issues of war and patriotism, authority, inevitability or possibility of revolution. Activities of these circles were a part of political everyday reality and are reconstructed on the basis of coevals' correspondence including a little-known letter written by M.F.Andreeva to M.Gorky.
Keywords: letters; everyday life; non-formal associations; patriotism; imperialism.

Moscow–Kaunas–Vil’nyus in 1940–1941. Between Geopolitics and Social Issue

Peculiarities of the Soviet power making in Lithuania in pre-war years are reflected in documents held in the Russian State Archive of social and political history that are published now. It is demonstrated the key motives of the Soviet power activities wee as follows: 1) military and political considerations connected with expectancy of war; 2) radical transformation of the Lithuanian society social and economic structure that relied upon a complex balance of ideology, practical needs and real possibilities.
Keywords: geopolitics; foreign policy; the Baltic states; Lithuania; economy; ideology, archive documents.

Love of Space

The authors consider the most recent experience that is acquired due to study of peculiarities of a new social-psychological and creative space formation in the Soviet literature and public life of the 1920s exemplified by materials of the Soviet men of letters' private archives and their legal cases and court investigations. The authors analyze mechanisms of creative personalities' adaptation to conditions and requirements of the emerging totalitarian culture.
Keywords: the Soviet literature; public life; repressions and purges; Isaac Babel; Ilya Ilf; Valentin Kataev; Evgenij Petrov.