Issue No 5 from 2008 yr.

The Caucasian Crisis and our Future

The article deals with recent events in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The Georgian aggression aimed at peaceful Tskhinvali uncovered many geo-strategic, political, ideological contradictions that require prompt reaction from the RF leadership and the Russian public opinion. Moreover, these contradictions require restructuring of elite relationships and development of new mental matrices. Brilliant execution of military operation aimed at peace enforcement does not put the end to a series of the most acute problems. We face not a recurrent crisis generated by a new round of confrontation between Russia and the West but the global demolition of stereotypes which affects pure technological aspects of the RF foreign policy as well as its conceptual nerve. The old relationship system was constructed pursuant to scheme which implied the gradual RF entry to the Western world. Events in Caucasus ruined this scheme totally and irreversibly. Mentality of leaders must match the changed situation and that will directly define character, stylistics and aims of decisions to be made. Now Russia cannot turn its back to idea of development. The challenge is too serious. We have no other option and have to become the superpower and subordinate disposal of mobilization resources to this end.

Breakthrough in Unification of Germany (continuation)

In the second part of this article the author explores the negotiations in Moscow between Gorbachev, Shevardnadze and the State Secretary James Baker in February 1990. And these negotiations had become the real turning point in history of German unification. Three main problems were discussed than in Moscow: — On what conditions it is possible to have German unification. — It will be neutral or in NATO after unification. — Who and how will conduct these negotiations. But it turned out, that the Soviet leadership had not have the clear position on these problems and was ready to adopt the Western positions. Baker had come to conclusion that Gorbachev would agree on unification of Germany without any serious political conditions. More over, he will agree on its membership in NATO. And Baker promised that NATO would not move its military presence on the territory of East Germany. These positions Gorbachev had confirmed in several days to the West German chancellor Kohl and Kohl called their meeting «the grate day for Germany».

Russia and CIS: Social Linguistic Dimension

The article deals with problems of the present day situation and prospects of Russian language development in conditions of increasing globalization, intensification of ethnic linguistic pluralism on one hand and exacerbation of national linguistic self-identification problems on the other hand. Status of Russian language and title languages of former Soviet republics and autonomies has changed radically and brought about the change in mutual relationships between the general Federal language and national languages. Struggle for promotion of national languages' status has become a tool of political manipulation used not just by national elites but by certain social strata too. Majority of CIS countries pursued the purposeful policy of ethnic linguistic distance from Russia and this policy contributed to disintegration of once unified linguistic political space and to radicalization of disintegration processes. Issues of language law development are among the most acute issues for multinational states.

How did Eurasianism Emerge

The authors consider ideological origins, history of the Eurasian thought formation and development. A particular attention is paid to eminent representatives of this movement. Their opinions and fates are investigated not just on the basis of their works but also on the basis of documents from the Central archive of the RF Federal security service.

The Change of Generations that might Have been but didn’t Happen: Liberals and Eurasians

Initiators of the February Revolution confessed that they had «desired» quite different result. However the positivist style of mentality aimed at «result» inevitably brings about the same tune: «We wanted the best but events too their regular course». Overcoming of utopist mentality style might be expected only with the change of generations at the political forestage. Failure of evolutionary development caused even greater triumph of utopianism. Not the change of «political regime» but profound changes in culture, way of thinking, tonality of human relations had to occupy the higher priority positions in program of actions. These changes would, in the long run, transform the «political regime». But such program could be advanced only by personalities of another caliber.

Persons from the Footnotes. S.E.Shevich, the American Socialist from Russia

What one can get to know of a person from a reference given in a footnote? Date of birth and death, social origin, positions the person occupied, and person’s party membership. The hero of this essay is a typical person from the footnotes. Gentleman, officer of the Senate, admirer of Marx he gained celebrity in radical liberal circles of the Russian intelligentsia in 1871, after his performance at the meeting hosted by Professor N.S.Tagantsev where the person made a report «On the essence of Constituition» according to F.Lassalle. 7 years later this person met the lady who had been the cause of Lassalle’s death in result of duel. Since that moment they lived together for nearly 25 years in Russia, USA, and Germany. The essay published in our magazine is the first narrative about their life, bright and difficult, with ascents, falls and the tragic outcome.

Paradise Lost

Gerogia goes through very difficult times. Policy of militarization pursued by President Mikhail Saakashvili has ended up with invasion in South Ossetia, military clash with Russia and the complete defeat which brought about the profound systemic crisis. The author scrutinizes the Georgian history through lenses of Georgia interrelationship with Russia and emphasizes that the current policy of Saakashvili aimed at confrontation with the northern neighbor will have disastrous effect on Georgia.