Issue No 5 from 2001 yr.

The Terrorists Attacks on the USA. The Systemic Analysis of Events and their Consequences

Since reactions of the society to the terrorist acts committed in the USA on September 11, 2001, revealed a lack of intellectual and methodological ability to comprehend the quality of the new world reality which is emerging right before our eyes the author tries somehow to make up this deficiency of understanding. The terrorist attacks are considered as a secret operation of a new kind, as injection of specific «activities clusters» into our world. These activities are carried on in another world and are governed with other laws. To analyze these activities the author introduces the notion of «parallel terrorist civilizations» (PTC). In doing so the author does not mean anything paranormal or «alien», exported from other worlds. The author argues that the PTC is the terrorist mega-structure. Nowadays a person can adequately react to the current of events and make sense of it only if he/she grasps this mega-structure logic and technology. Having done the systemic analysis of the terrorist operation of September 11 and having evaluated its scale, duration, quality and degree of conspiracy closeness the author comes to conclusion the PTC is the most probable organizer of the attack.

The Structural Shifts in Economies of the Central Asia Countries

The author investigates the profound social and economic shifts that have occurred in the Central Asian countries 1990s, i.e., in the course of transition from the centrally planned economy to the market economy. The author notes a partial agrarization, de-industralization and de-urbanization, the drastic curtailment of investment process, the relative and even absolute decrease of educational, medical, scientific and technological potentials of these countries. All these trends are evidence of the increasing predominance of traditionalization and sometimes even primitivization and archaization of the Central Asian countries' economies and social structures. At the same time these trends co-existed with development of structures and institutions of the new, modern market nature. Such co-existence could be only contradictory, for new structures and institutions are typical for societies that undergo modernization, for small and big social groups as well as for individuals. As the Central Asian countries are gradually integrating into the world economic relations system dynamics and content of which are determined by the developed countries the modernization elements are becoming more active. As a result of that all aspects of the everyday life of people who live in Central Asia, whether they live in the countryside or are city dwellers, are characterized by exceptionally difficult interaction, co-existence and «struggle» of utterly contradictory trends: the traditional v. the modern, the chaotic v. the disciplining, the regressive v. the progressive. In the future transition to the accelerated economic growth along the lines of the «catching-up» development will inevitably and quite soon require a comprehensive support of public education and health systems, preservation and development of the real scientific potential and, finally, a reasonable policy of industrialization and services development which will help to increase performance of all branches of national economies.

Theory and Practice of the Peasants' Backwardness: the Rural Economy, Social Agronomy, and Co-operatives in Russia, 1905-1914

This article asks whether the Old Regime in Russia was capable of bridging the cultural and legal gaps between the estates. It argues that the agricultural cooperative movement — which was meant to create an integrated society — was an example of the deep crisis affecting Russian society on the eve of the Revolution, since even the most «progressive» thinkers and activists in rural affairs (the generation of agronomists typified by Aleksandr Chaianov) shared with their employers in local and central government grave doubts about the capacity of peasants to integrate into Russian society as legitimate actors.

The Power of the Science and the Science of the Power in Russia at the Beginning of the 20th century

Given article is devoted to the consideration of one from principal problems in the history of the Russian science. This problem is relations between the science and autocracy in the beginning XX century. The author draw a conclusion, that in this time as the scientific association was a part of the tsarist bureaucracy, such the tsarist bureaucracy, through the bureaucratic elite, was a part of the scientific association. The social ground of this situation is the dissolution of the bureaucratic elite in the Russian intelligentsia, the institutional ground — the fact, nearly all scientists was the officials. Within the bureaucratic elite the representative of the humane sciences had a majority as compared with the representative of the technical sciences. Therefore, in point of view of the author, the autocracy of the beginning XX century was a form of the political supremacy of the humane scientific subculture. The author thinks that a conflict between the science and autocracy had inside-system character.

Mystifiers for the Sake of Defense

The author deals with one of the most intriguing episodes in the «Holy troop» activities: the attempt P.P.Shuvalov, a leader of this organization which was created as the elite’s response to the murder of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, to subject a part of the Russian emigration to his influence by virtue of false, fake newsapapers, liberal «Vol'noie slovo» and ultra-revolutionary «Pravda». The author analyzes the complicated relationshps of Shuvalov and his agents with their «clients» abroad, in particular, with M.P.Dragomanov, and tells the story of the conflict between Shuvalov and his opponents in the highest circles, particularly with G.P.Sudeikin, the «genius of criminal investigation», who succeeded in taking personal advantage of Shuvalov’s enterprise.