Glebkin Vladimir Vladislavovich
– Ph.D., philosopher, Head of Department of Theory and History of World Culture in Gymnasium 1514, Moscow
Conceptual Structure of Holyday: from the 19th Century Russian Culture to the Early Soviet One
The paper addresses the problem of evolution of the holyday’s conceptual structure from the19th Russian culture to the Soviet culture of the 1920−1930th. The author describes the two basic models representing the «ideal type» of holyday, and reveals how this models correlate in the late Russian and the early Soviet culture. The main methodological result of the paper can be characterized as the bringing out the way to map the late Russian culture onto the early Soviet one, given the concept of holyday as example.Keywords: holyday; the Russian culture; the Soviet culture; ideal type; existential.From Christian to Noble. The Sistem of Basic Values in «Domostroi» and «Yunosti Chestnoe Zercalo»
This paper addresses the comparative analysis of the two famous Russian treatises Domostroi and Junosti chestnoe zertsalo to account for the transformations of the basic attitudes to everyday life from 16th to 18th cent. In order to implement that the author is developing a special methodology rest on revealing the categories of «pivot meaning». The gist of the analysis can be formulated as follows: the rationalization and the secularization of Russian culture turn out the two main directions of cultural evolution.Keywords: Domostroi; Junosti chestnoe zertsalo; category of pivot meaning; secularization of culture; rationalization of system of values.