"I Cannot Understand How the Generals Could be so Mistaken": the Evolution of the Military Question in 1917
The article examines the evolution of the Russian army in March – August 1917. The relations between the Russian officers and soldiers after the adoption of the Petrograd Soviet Order №1 and formation of the elected Army Committees are being analyzed. The perception of the military issue and officers as a social category by contemporaries is being characterized. It is made a conclusion that it was the identity dimension which the antagonism between commanders and soldiers was pivoted in. The inability to unite officers is treated as one of the main factors in the lack of a unified agenda for the command staff and its further radicalization, which resulted in the Kornilov affair. It is emphasized that against the background of the politicization of the military issue the desire of officers to depoliticize the agenda, adhering to course of non-predetermining, did not contribute to strengthening its positions.
Keywords: Provisional Government; Officers; L.G.Kornilov; A.F.Kerenskiy; the Union of Army and Navy Officers