Volkov Aleksander Aleksandrovich
– D.Sci., philologist, Professor, Head of the Department of General and Comparative Linguistics, Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University
The Repeal of the SSE as the First Step to Education Revival
A conference organized by S. Kurginyan was dedicated to the fate of the single state examination in the RF. Members of higher education institutions faculty and scientists who work at these institutions took part in discussion of the urgent topic. The Russian education problem lies in the fact that initiatives of the power in the sphere of education have long ago come in contradiction with moods of the overwhelming part of population. In fact, nearly 70% of population is strongly against the SSE. The SSE system contributes to the degradation of education as a whole. It was important for participants of the conference to understand the essence of the SSE, how it is carried on and to what asymmetric results the SSE provides across the RF territory. The author considers the SSE within the general context of education reforms.Keywords: the SSE; reforms of education; school exams; corruption; tutors and coaches; culture.