Volvenko Aleksei Aleksandrovich
– Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Taganrog Institute named after AP Chekhov (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Rostov State Economic University (RINH)”\r\navolvenko@mail.ru
Power and Cossacks in the Epoch of “Great Reform” of Alexandr II (1860–1870s): Historiographic Notes (the end)
In article the critical analysis of a historiography of relationship of the power and the Cossacks during an era of “Great reforms” of Alexander II (the 1860–1870th) is continued. The research covers works of the Soviet historians, historians emigrants and also representatives of a modern Russian and foreign historiography. Actions of the central power for development and advance of a government policy which evolves from introduction of bases of “civic consciousness” on the Cossack lands in the 1860th, before return to domination of the militaristic principles in way of the Cossack life in the 1870th years understand the considered works. In article possible new perspective subjects in studying of the Cossack history not only an era of “Great reforms”, but also all the II half of the 19th century are specified.Keywords: historiography; Cossack troops; “Great reforms”; Alexander II; government policy; Ministry of Defense.Power and Cossacking in the Epoch «Great Reform» Alexandra II (1860–1870s). Historiographic Notes
This paper is devoted to considering the historiography of interaction between the government and the Cossack during the period of «The Great Reforms» (1860–1870) in the reign of Alexander II. The author chooses the point of view which makes it possible to scrutinize the actions of the central authority more closely during analyses of the research literature. However, the chosen approach doesn’t imply overemphasizing the government’s attitude and its influence on the Cossack policy. Despite the exposed restrictive framework, the essential reserve in a historiography reflecting various aspects of interaction of the power and the Cossacks in the 1860-1870th years was found. In article the content of the most important works on stories of the Cossacks of the pre-revolutionary period reveals.Keywords: historiography; Cossack troops; «Great reforms»; Alexander II; government policy; Ministry of Defense.