Яров Сергей Викторович
– доктор исторических наук, профессор Европейского университета, Санкт-Петербург
«For Me You are the Most Close and the Dearest Person»: Gratitude for Help Provided in Leningrad Besieged and Blockaded
The article deals with practices of survival in the blockaded city in the most difficult time, from autumn of 1941 through spring of 1942. It is demonstrated that despite the collapse of ethical norms and weakening of ties among different social groups provision of help to family members and to the most vulnerable social groups, i.e. elderly people, women and children, remained the ethical values inhabitants of Leningrad kept to profess even during the greatest social disaster of 20th century. A particular attention is paid to the practice of gratitude for help. It is noted that respondent presents to people who had provided support were scanty and poor but nevertheless were a tradition emerged in the besieged city. The author demonstrates that the moral values inherent to people could express themselves even on the period of enormous suffering though not to the full extent in interpersonal relations.Keywords: Ethical norms; blockade; the besieged city dwellers; moral traditions.